
It is very hard to find something to be grateful for every single day. At the same time though, it is important to find at least one thing that makes you happy. It can be something as little as finding a chair in the library to study, or something as big as getting an A on a very hard test. I wake up, go through my day, and when I go to sleep I make sure to write down at least one thing that I am grateful for. Life is great, so don’t beat yourself up because it is not going your way. Life has a lot of ups and a lot of downs, just learn from the downs and life will slowly start going your way again. Something I will always be grateful is my family. They do everything for me, so I always make sure to let them know that. Friends and relationships come and go, but family is forever. Without the support of my family, I wouldn’t even be close to the man I am today, and I for sure wouldn’t be where I am today without the three of them.